Canada Gazette, Part I, Volume 152, Number 47: Proposed notice requiring the preparation and implementation of pollution prevention plans with respect to triclosan in certain products

November 24, 2018



Proposed notice requiring the preparation and implementation of pollution prevention plans with respect to triclosan in certain products

Pursuant to section 91 of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (the "Act"), the Minister of the Environment proposes to publish the annexed Notice under subsection 56(1) of the Act. This proposed Notice (the "Notice") initiates a 60-day comment period, and after the review of the comments received, the Minister intends to publish, in the Canada Gazette, Part I, a Final Notice requiring the preparation and implementation of pollution prevention plans with respect to triclosan in certain products, which is specified on the List of Toxic Substances in Schedule 1 of the Act.

The Final Notice will apply to any person or class of persons who manufactures or imports triclosan-containing products that are cosmetics, natural health products or drugs.

More information on pollution prevention planning can be found in the Pollution Prevention Planning Provisions of Part 4 of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999: Guidelines for Implementation. These guidelines and other information relating to pollution prevention and pollution prevention planning can also be found on the "Pollution Prevention Planning Notices" section of the Government of Canada website.

Marc D'Iorio
Director General
Industrial Sectors, Chemicals and Waste Directorate
On behalf of the Minister of the Environment


Notice is hereby given that, pursuant to the provisions of subsection 56(1) of Part 4 of the Act, the Minister of the Environment requires any person or class of persons described in section 2 of the Notice to prepare and implement a pollution prevention plan with respect to triclosan in certain products, which is specified on the List of Toxic Substances in Schedule 1 of the Act.

1 Definitions

The definitions in this section apply to this Notice.

However, a natural health product does not include a substance set out in Schedule 2 of the Regulations, any combination of substances that includes a substance set out in Schedule 2 of the Regulations or a homeopathic medicine or a traditional medicine that is or includes a substance set out in Schedule 2 of the Regulations.

2 Person or class of persons required to prepare and implement a plan

3 Activities for which the plan is to be prepared

The Minister requires any person or class of persons identified in section 2 to prepare and implement a plan in relation to the following activities:

4 Factors to consider in preparing the plan

The Minister requires any person or class of persons identified in section 2 to consider the following factors when preparing their plan:

5 Content of the plan

A person or class of persons identified in section 2 of the Notice is to determine the appropriate content of that person's plan; however, the plan must meet all the requirements of the Notice. The plan must also contain the information required to file the Declaration of Preparation referred to in section 8 of the Notice and have the capacity to generate the information required to file the Declaration of Implementation referred to in section 10 of the Notice.

6 Use of a plan prepared or implemented for another purpose

Under subsection 57(1) of the Act, a person or class of persons may use a pollution prevention plan prepared or implemented for another purpose to satisfy the requirements of this Notice. Under subsection 57(2) of the Act, where a person uses a plan that does not meet all the requirements of the Notice, the person must either amend the plan so that it meets all of those requirements or prepare an additional plan that meets the remainder of those requirements. A person using existing plans must still file the Declaration of Preparation referred to in section 8 of the Notice, the Declaration of Implementation referred to in section 10 of the Notice, and, if applicable, any amended declarations referred to in section 11 of the Notice.

7 Period to prepare the plan

8 Deadline to submit the Declaration of Preparation

Under subsection 58(1) of the Act, any person or class of persons identified in section 2 of the Notice must, within 30 days after the end of the period given to prepare the plan as specified in section 7 or 13, file a written "Declaration that a Pollution Prevention Plan Has Been Prepared and Is Being Implemented." This Declaration should be submitted to the Minister using the online form that contains the information set out in Schedule 1 of the Notice.

9 Period to implement the plan

10 Deadline to submit the Declaration of Implementation

Under subsection 58(2) of the Act, any person or class of persons identified in section 2 of the Notice must, within 30 days after the end of the period given to implement the plan as specified in section 9 or 13, file a written "Declaration that a Pollution Prevention Plan Has Been Implemented." This Declaration should be submitted to the Minister, using the online form that contains the information set out in Schedule 5 of the Notice.

11 Filing of amended Declarations

Subsection 58(3) of the Act requires any person or class of persons specified in section 2 of the Notice to file an amended Declaration of Preparation or an amended Declaration of Implementation if, at any time after the filing, the information submitted has become false or misleading. This Declaration must be submitted to the Minister within 30 days of becoming aware that the information became false or misleading. It should be submitted to the Minister using the appropriate form referred to in section 8 or 10 of the Notice.

12 Requirement to keep the plan and record keeping

Section 59 of the Act requires any person or class of persons identified in section 2 of the Notice to keep a copy of the plan at the place in Canada in relation to which the plan is prepared, which is the physical address identified in the schedules.

Any person or class of persons identified in section 2 of the Notice must keep the plan and any records pertaining to the plan while engaged in the manufacture and import of certain triclosan-containing products and for five years after they have ceased these activities.

13 Extension of time

Under subsection 56(3) of the Act, the Minister may extend the period to prepare a plan or the period to implement a plan beyond the periods referred to in sections 7 and 9 if the Minister is of the opinion that such an extension is necessary. A person should submit a written "Request for Time Extension" using the online form that contains the information set out in Schedule 3 of the Notice. The request must be submitted 60 days before the expiry of

14 Application for waiver of factors to consider

Under subsection 56(5) of the Act, the Minister may waive the requirement for a person or class of persons to consider a factor in preparing the plan specified in section 4 if the Minister is of the opinion that it is neither reasonable nor practicable to consider such a factor. The decision to grant a waiver will be based on the reasons provided by that person or class of persons in a "Request for Waiver of the Requirement to Consider a Factor or Factors." This request should be submitted within 60 days before the expiry of the period to prepare the plan as referred to in section 7 or before the expiry of any extended period using the online form that contains the information set out in Schedule 2 of the Notice.

15 Public Disclosure of Information and forms

The Minister intends to publish information submitted in schedules 1 and 5 in response to this Notice in the Pollution prevention planning notices section of the Government of Canada's website.

Under section 313 of the Act, all persons submitting information to the Minister are entitled to submit a written request that specific information be treated as confidential. Persons submitting such a request should also include the reasons for that request.

The Notice includes the following forms:

Forms referred to in the Notice (schedules 1, 2, 3 and 5) will be published as part of the Notice and should be filled out electronically using the Pollution Prevention Planning Online Reporting tool in Environment and Climate Change Canada's Single Window.

16 Performance measurement and evaluation of the Notice

Performance measurement of the Notice will be conducted after every reporting cycle to evaluate the effectiveness of the Notice in meeting its intended objectives. Performance reports summarizing the overall results to date will be posted online.

The Minister will evaluate the effectiveness of the Notice with respect to the risk management objective set out in subsection 4(2) of the Notice. This may include a data-gathering initiative after the implementation of the plans to verify use patterns and quantities of triclosan.

The Minister will determine whether other measures are needed to further prevent or reduce negative impacts of triclosan on the environment.

17 Resources

Guidance on preparing pollution prevention plans may be obtained from

Additional information and guidance on pollution prevention can be found in

For further inquiries regarding pollution prevision (P2) planning and practices, please email

18 Notice Reference Code: P2Triclosan

For administrative purposes, all communication with Environment and Climate Change Canada concerning the Notice should refer to the following Notice Reference Code: P2Triclosan.

19 Environment and Climate Change Canada contact information

For technical questions or comments about this proposed Notice, please contact or send queries to

Products Division
Environment and Climate Change Canada
351 Saint-Joseph Boulevard
Gatineau, Quebec
K1A 0H3
Fax: 819-938-4480 or 1-888-391-3695

For more information about pollution prevention planning or online reporting, please contact

Innovative Measures Section
Regulatory Innovation and Management Systems
Environment and Climate Change Canada
351 Saint-Joseph Boulevard, 20th Floor
Gatineau, Quebec
K1A 0H3
Telephone (toll-free): 1-844-580-3637
Fax: 819-420-7386 or toll-free: 1-844-580-3638


(This note is not part of the Notice.)

Compliance with the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (hereinafter referred to as the "Act") is mandatory pursuant to subsections 272(1) and 272.1(1) of the Act. Subsections 272(2), (3) and (4) and 272.1(2), (3) and (4) of the Act set the penalties for persons who commit an offence under the Act. Offences include the offence of failing to comply with an obligation arising from the Act and the offence of providing false or misleading information. Penalties for offences can result, upon conviction (either summary conviction or indictment), in fines of not more than $12 million, imprisonment for a term of not more than three years, or both.

The current text of the Act, including the most recent amendments, is available on the Department of Justice Canada website.

The Act is enforced in accordance with the Canadian Environmental Protection Act: compliance and enforcement policy.

Suspected violations under the Act can be reported to the Enforcement Branch by email at

NOTE: Please note that this proposed schedule has been prepared for stakeholder review. Do not fill out this form as it is for consultation only.

Proposed Schedule 1: Declaration That a Pollution Prevention Plan Has Been Prepared and Is Being Implemented — Pollution Prevention Planning Notice with Respect to Triclosan in Certain Products (Subsection 58(1) of CEPA)

Notice Reference Code: P2Triclosan



Company Name: ______________________________________________________________________

Canadian Federal Business Number: ______________________

Physical Address

Unit: _______

Street Number: _______

Street Name: ____________________________________________

Street Type: ____________________________________________

Street Direction: __________________

City: _________________________________________

Province/Territory: ________________________

Postal Code: ______________

Country: _____________________________________________________

Mailing Address

Same as Physical Address □

Unit: _______

Street Number: _______

Street Name: ____________________________________________

Street Type: ____________________________________________

Street Direction: __________________

City: _________________________________________

Province/Territory: ________________________

Postal Code: ______________

Country: _____________________________________________________

National Pollutant Release Inventory (NPRI) ID: ______________________

Six-digit North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code: _________________________________

Technical Contact

Name: ______________________________

Position/Job Title: __________________________________

Mailing Address: ______________________________________________________________________


Telephone Number: _____________________________

Fax Number: _____________________________

Email: _____________________________________________________________________________

General Contact

Same as Technical Contact □

Name: ______________________________

Position/Job Title: __________________________________

Mailing Address: ______________________________________________________________________


Telephone Number: ______________________________

Fax Number: _____________________________

Email: _____________________________________________________________________________

Use of Existing Plans

Prior to this Notice, did you have a Pollution Prevention (P2) Plan? ☐ Yes ☐ No

If yes, was the P2 Plan previously prepared

Did you use that P2 Plan (all or in part) to meet the requirements of this Notice? ☐ Yes ☐ No

Baseline Information

Base Year

If you are subject to the Notice on the date of publication, this Declaration requires reporting of data from a Base Year (January 1 to December 31), which can be no earlier than 2011.

Indicate the Base Year: _____________________________________________

If you become subject to the Notice after the date of publication, this Declaration requires reporting of data from a Base Year. The Base Year is the 12-months period after the date you became subject to the Notice.

Indicate the Base Year:


All information provided in this Declaration will refer to this Base Year.

Manufacture and Import Information

Did you manufacture triclosan-containing products that are cosmetics, natural health products or drugs during the Base Year? ☐ Yes ☐ No

Did you import triclosan-containing products that are cosmetics, natural health products or drugs during the Base Year? ☐ Yes ☐ No

Anticipated Actions to Reduce Triclosan

This part must be completed for each anticipated action identified in this P2 Plan.

Anticipated Action

Action No. ___
Describe the anticipated action to be taken to reduce triclosan quantities. Clearly identify which product(s) or type(s) of product(s) this action relates to: ____________________________________________________________

Types of Pollution Prevention Methods (select all that apply)

What is the current status of this Action?

Anticipated Quantity Reductions to be Achieved for this Action

Report the anticipated quantity change in kilograms to be achieved in annual use or import of the substance relative to the Base Year: _________

Note: Indicate a decrease with a negative sign ("-") and an increase with a positive sign ("+") in front of the reported quantity.

Planned Completion Date:

Total Anticipated Results

The information below summarizes the total anticipated change to be achieved by implementing ALL actions identified in the previous section.

Note: Indicate a decrease with a negative sign ("-") and an increase with a positive sign ("+") in front of the reported quantity.

If you manufacture triclosan-containing products that are cosmetics, natural health products or drugs, indicate the total anticipated change in quantity of triclosan used in the manufacture of these products.

If you import triclosan-containing products that are cosmetics, natural health products or drugs, indicate the total anticipated change in quantity of triclosan imported in these products.

Maintaining Reductions and Tracking Results

Describe the anticipated method used to track progress in implementing the P2 Plan and how you propose to maintain the
reductions: ____________________________________________________________________________


Objective of the Notice

Were you subject to the Final Notice on the date of its publication? ☐ Yes ☐ No

Were you subject to the Final Notice after the date of its publication? ☐ Yes ☐ No

Other Factors to Consider

Describe how the following factors to consider, under section 4 of the Notice, were taken into account when preparing the P2 Plan, except if a waiver has been granted by the Minister.

Alternatives to Triclosan

Do you plan to use any alternative substances to triclosan? ☐ Yes ☐ No

Have you conducted an assessment of hazards and potential risks of the alternative substance(s) for which you plan to use in your products?


☐ I hereby certify that a P2 Plan in respect of triclosan has been prepared and is being implemented and that the information provided in this Declaration is true, accurate and complete.

Name: ____________________________________

Title/Position: _______________________________

Email: ____________________________________

Date: _____________________________________

General Comments: _____________________________________________________________________




NOTE: Please note that this proposed schedule has been prepared for stakeholder review. Do not fill out this form as it is for consultation only.

Proposed Schedule 2: Request for Waiver of the Requirement to Consider a Factor or Factors — Pollution Prevention Planning Notice with Respect to Triclosan in Certain Products (Subsection 56(5) of CEPA)

Notice Reference Code: P2Triclosan



Company Name: ______________________________________________________________________

Canadian Federal Business Number: ______________________

Physical Address

Unit: _______

Street Number: _______

Street Name: ____________________________________________

Street Type: ____________________________________________

Street Direction: __________________

City: _________________________________________

Province/Territory: ________________________

Postal Code: ______________

Country: _____________________________________________________

Mailing Address

Same as Physical Address ☐

Unit: _______

Street Number: _______

Street Name: ____________________________________________

Street Type: ____________________________________________

Street Direction: __________________

City: _________________________________________

Province/Territory: ________________________

Postal Code: ______________

Country: _____________________________________________________

National Pollutant Release Inventory (NPRI) ID: _________________________________________________

Six-digit North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code: _________________________________

Technical Contact

Name: ______________________________

Position/Job Title: __________________________________

Mailing Address: _______________________________________________________________________


Telephone Number: ______________________________

Fax Number: _____________________________

Email: _____________________________________________________________________________

General Contact

Same as Technical Contact ☐

Name: ______________________________

Position/Job Title: __________________________________

Mailing Address: _______________________________________________________________________


Telephone Number: _____________________________

Fax Number: _____________________________

Email: _____________________________________________________________________________

Factor(s) to Consider for Which a Waiver Is Being Requested

Identify for which factor(s) to consider listed in the Notice a waiver is being requested.


Rationale for Request

Explain why it would not be reasonable or practicable to consider each factor for which a waiver is being requested.


Explain how the outcome of the Pollution Prevention Plan will be affected if this or these factor(s) to consider is (are) not taken into account.


Identify which, if any, additional factor(s) you propose to consider in preparing the Pollution Prevention Plan (optional).



☐ I hereby certify that the information provided in this Request is true, accurate and complete.

Name: __________________________________________________

Title/Position: ________________________________________

Email: _________________________________________________

Date: __________________________________________________

General Comments: ______________________________________

NOTE: Please note that this proposed schedule has been prepared for stakeholder review. Do not fill out this form as it is for consultation only.

Proposed Schedule 3: Request for Time Extension — Pollution Prevention Planning Notice with Respect to Triclosan in Certain Products (Subsection 56(3) of CEPA)

Notice Reference Code: P2Triclosan



Company Name: ______________________________________________________________________

Canadian Federal Business Number: ______________________

Physical Address

Unit: _______

Street Number: _______

Street Name: ____________________________________________

Street Type: ____________________________________________

Street Direction: __________________

City: _________________________________________

Province/Territory: ________________________

Postal Code: ______________

Country: _____________________________________________________

Mailing Address

Same as Physical Address ☐

Unit: _______

Street Number: _______

Street Name: ____________________________________________

Street Type: ____________________________________________

Street Direction: __________________

City: _________________________________________

Province/Territory: ________________________

Postal Code: ______________

Country: _____________________________________________________

National Pollutant Release Inventory (NPRI) ID: _________________________________________________

Six-digit North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code: _________________________________

Technical Contact

Name: ______________________________

Position/Job Title: __________________________________

Mailing Address: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Telephone Number: _____________________________

Fax Number: _____________________________

Email: _____________________________________________________________________________

General Contact

Same as Technical Contact ☐

Name: ______________________________

Position/Job Title: __________________________________

Mailing Address: _______________________________________________________________________


Telephone Number: _____________________________

Fax Number: _____________________________

Email: _____________________________________________________________________________

Request for Time Extension

Identify for which of the following a time extension is being requested (choose one):

Are you requesting to extend a time extension already granted by Environment and Climate Change Canada? ☐ Yes ☐ No

We request that the date be extended to __________________________ (specify exact date — YYYY/MM/DD).

Rationale for Request

Explain why additional time is needed to prepare or implement the Pollution Prevention Plan.



☐ I hereby certify that the information provided in this Request is true, accurate and complete.

Name: ___________________________________________________

Title/Position: _____________________________________________

Email: ___________________________________________________

Date: ____________________________________________________

General Comments: ________________________________________

NOTE: Please note that this proposed schedule has been prepared for stakeholder review. Do not fill out this form as it is for consultation only.

Proposed Schedule 5: Declaration That a Pollution Prevention Plan Has Been Implemented — Pollution Prevention Planning Notice with Respect to Triclosan in Certain Products (Subsection 58(2) of CEPA)

Notice Reference Code: P2Triclosan



Company Name: _______________________________________________________________________

Canadian Federal Business Number: ___________________

Physical Address

Unit: _______

Street Number: _______

Street Name: ___________________________________________

Street Type: _________________________________

Street Direction: _____________________________

City: __________________________________

Province/Territory: _______________________________

Postal Code: _______________

Country: ___________________________________________________

Mailing Address

Same as Physical Address ☐

Unit: _______

Street Number: _______

Street Name: ___________________________________________

Street Type: _________________________________

Street Direction: _____________________________

City: __________________________________

Province/Territory: _______________________________

Postal Code: _______________

Country: ___________________________________________________

National Pollutant Release Inventory (NPRI) ID:__________________________________________________

Six-digit North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code: _________________________________

Technical Contact

Name: ______________________________

Position/Job Title: __________________________________

Mailing Address: ______________________________________________________________________


Telephone Number: _____________________________

Fax Number: _____________________________

Email: _____________________________________________________________________________

General Contact

Same as Technical Contact □

Name: ______________________________

Position/Job Title: __________________________________

Mailing Address: ______________________________________________________________________


Telephone Number: _____________________________

Fax Number: _____________________________

Email: _____________________________________________________________________________

Implementation Information

Implementation Year

If you are subject to the Final Notice on the date of publication, this Declaration requires reporting of data from the Implementation Year (from January 1 to December 31), which can be no later than 36 months from the date of publication of the Final Notice.

Indicate your Implementation Year: ______________________

If you become subject to the Final Notice after the date of publication, this Declaration requires reporting of data from the Implementation Year, which can be no later than 18 months from the date you are subject.

Indicate your Implementation Year:

Are you reporting data for an Implementation Year other than described above? ☐ Yes ☐ No

All information provided in this Declaration will refer to the Implementation Year.

Manufacture and Import Information

Did you manufacture triclosan-containing products that are cosmetics, natural health products or drugs during the Implementation Year? ☐ Yes ☐ No

Did you import triclosan-containing products that are cosmetics, natural health products or drugs during the Implementation Year? ☐ Yes ☐ No

Actions Taken and Results Achieved

This part must be completed for each action taken that was previously reported in your last submitted schedule.

Also report and describe any action taken that was not previously reported.

Action No. ___

Describe the action taken to reduce triclosan quantities. Clearly identify which product(s) or type(s) of product(s) this action relates to: _______________________________________________________________________

Types of Pollution Prevention Methods (select all that apply)

What is the current status of this Action?

If the action was "Discontinued," please provide the reason why: _______________________________________

Quantity Reduction Achieved for this Action

Report the quantity change achieved in kilograms in annual use or import of the substance relative to the Base Year: _______________________________________________

Note: Indicate a decrease with a negative sign ("-") and an increase with a positive sign ("+") in front of the reported quantity.

Completion Date:

Total Results Achieved

The information below summarizes the total change achieved by implementing ALL actions identified in the previous section.

Note: Indicate a decrease with a negative sign ("-") and an increase with a positive sign ("+") in front of the reported quantity.

If you manufacture triclosan-containing products that are cosmetics, natural health products or drugs, indicate the total change in quantity of triclosan used in the manufacture of these products.

If you import triclosan-containing products that are cosmetics, natural health products or drugs, indicate the total change in quantity of triclosan imported in these products.

Total Anticipated Manufacture and Import Post Implementation

If you manufacture triclosan-containing products that are cosmetics, natural health products or drugs, indicate the total yearly quantity of triclosan, in kilograms, anticipated to be used after implementation: _______________________

If you import triclosan-containing products that are cosmetics, natural health products or drugs, indicate the total yearly quantity of triclosan, in kilograms, anticipated to be imported after implementation: _________________________

Maintaining Progress and Tracking Results

Describe the method used to track progress in implementing the P2 Plan and how you have and will continue to maintain the reductions: ________________________________________________________________________


Objective of the Notice

Were you subject to the Final Notice on the date of its publication? ☐ Yes ☐ No

Were you subject to the Final Notice after the date of its publication? ☐ Yes ☐ No

Other Factors to Consider

Describe how the factors to consider, under section 4 of the Notice, were taken into account when implementing the P2 Plan, except if a waiver has been granted by the Minister.




Alternatives to Triclosan

Are you using alternatives to triclosan in your products? ☐ Yes ☐ No

If yes, provide the following information:

Have you conducted an assessment of hazards and potential risks of alternative substance(s) since submission of Schedule 1?


☐ I hereby certify that a P2 Plan in respect of triclosan has been implemented and that the information provided in this schedule is true, accurate and complete.

Name: ____________________________________

Title/Position: ______________________________

Email: ____________________________________

Date: _____________________________________

General Comments: _____________________________________________________________________


