Canada Gazette, Part I, Volume 157, Number 22: COMMISSIONS

June 3, 2023



Notice No. HA-2023-003

The Canadian International Trade Tribunal will hold a public hearing to consider the appeal referenced below. This hearing will be held via videoconference. Interested persons planning to attend should contact the Tribunal at 613‑993‑3595 or at at least two business days before the commencement of the hearing to register and to obtain further information.

Customs Act
Best Buy Canada Ltd. v. President of the Canada Border Services Agency
Date of Hearing July 6, 2023
Appeal No. AP-2022-028
Goods in Issue Television wall mounts
Issue Whether the goods in issue are properly classified under tariff item No. 8302.50.00 as "hat-racks, hat-pegs, brackets and similar fixtures", as determined by the President of the Canada Border Services Agency, or should be classified under tariff item No. 8529.90.90 as "other parts suitable for use solely or principally with the apparatus of headings 85.24 to 85.28, other" or, alternatively, under tariff item No. 8302.49.00 as "other mountings, fittings and similar articles, other", as claimed by Best Buy Canada Ltd.
Tariff Items at Issue

Best Buy Canada Ltd.—8529.90.90 or 8302.49.00

President of the Canada Border Services Agency—8302.50.00



The Commission posts on its website original, detailed decisions, notices of consultation, regulatory policies, information bulletins and orders as they come into force. In accordance with Part 1 of the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission Rules of Practice and Procedure, these documents may be examined at the Commission’s office, as can be documents relating to a proceeding, including the notices and applications, which are posted on the Commission’s website, under “Public proceedings & hearings.”

The following documents are abridged versions of the Commission’s original documents.



The following applications for renewal or amendment, or complaints were posted on the Commission’s website between May 18 and May 25, 2023.

Application filed by Application number Undertaking City Province Deadline for submission of interventions, comments or replies
Corus Radio Inc. 2023-0201-6, 2023-0202-4 and 2023-0203-2 CFGQ-FM, CFGQ-FM and CHQR Calgary Alberta June 23, 2023
Maritime Broadcasting System Limited 2023-0291-7 CKDY-FM Digby Nova Scotia June 23, 2023
Corus Entertainment Inc. 2023-0300-9 Corus Across Canada N.A. June 23, 2023
Applicant’s name Undertaking City Province Date of decision
Maritime Broadcasting System Limited CKDY-FM Digby Nova Scotia May 25, 2023
Decision number Publication date Applicant’s name Undertaking City Province
2023-145 May 19, 2023 Bayshore Broadcasting Corporation Various English-language commercial radio stations Various locations in Ontario N.A.
2023-146 May 19, 2023 Durham Radio Inc. Various English-language commercial radio stations Hamilton and  Haldimand County Ontario
2023-147 May 19, 2023 Various licensees Various English-language commercial radio stations Various locations in British Columbia N.A.
2023-148 May 19, 2023 Blackburn Media Inc. Various English-language commercial radio stations Various locations in Ontario N.A.
2023-149 May 19, 2023 My Broadcasting Corporation Various English-language commercial radio stations Various locations in Ontario N.A.
2023-150 May 19, 2023 Vista Radio Ltd. Various English-language commercial radio stations Across Canada N.A.
2023-152 May 23, 2023 Kenner Media (Edmonton) Limited CKFT-FM Fort Saskatchewan Alberta
2023-153 May 23, 2023 Pattison Media Ltd. CKLF-FM Brandon Manitoba
2023-154 May 23, 2023 Stingray Radio Inc. Various English-language commercial radio stations Across Canada N.A.
2023-155 May 23, 2023 CKDJ-FM Algonquin Radio CKDJ-FM Nepean Ontario