Vol. 151, No. 4 — February 22, 2017
SOR/2017-20 February 13, 2017
Regulations Amending the Ballast Water Control and Management Regulations
P.C. 2017-115 February 13, 2017
His Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of Transport and the Minister of Natural Resources, pursuant to subsection 35(1) (see footnote a) and section 190 of the Canada Shipping Act, 2001 (see footnote b), makes the annexed Regulations Amending the Ballast Water Control and Management Regulations.
Regulations Amending the Ballast Water Control and Management Regulations
1 (1) The definition libération in section 1 of the French version of the Ballast Water Control and Management Regulations (see footnote 1) is repealed.
(2) The definitions ballast water capacity and ballast water system in section 1 of the Regulations are replaced by the following:
ballast water capacity means the total volumetric capacity of the tanks, spaces or compartments on a vessel that are used for carrying, loading or releasing ballast water, including any multi-use tank, space or compartment designed to allow the carriage of ballast water. (capacité en eau de ballast)
ballast water system means the tanks, spaces or compartments on a vessel that are used for carrying, loading or releasing ballast water, including any multi-use tank, space or compartment designed to allow the carriage of ballast water, as well as the piping and pumps. (système d’eau de ballast)
(3) The definition release in section 1 of the English version of the Regulations is replaced by the following:
release, in respect of ballast water, includes leakage, pumping, pouring, emptying, dumping, spraying or placing. (déversement)
(4) Section 1 of the French version of the Regulations is amended by adding the following in alphabetical order:
déversement À l’égard des eaux de ballast, s’entend notamment de l’écoulement, du pompage, du versement, de la vidange, de la décharge, du jet ou du dépôt. (release)
2 Paragraphs 2(3)(e) and (f) of the French version of the Regulations are replaced by the following:
- e) les bâtiments qui transportent dans des citernes scellées de l’eau de ballast permanente de sorte que celle-ci ne fait pas l’objet d’un déversement;
- f) les bâtiments appartenant à un État ou exploités par un État et utilisés seulement à des fins gouvernementales et non commerciales.
3 (1) Paragraph 4(2)(a) of the Regulations is replaced by the following:
- (a) minimize both the introduction of harmful aquatic organisms or pathogens into the ballast water and their release with the ballast water into waters under Canadian jurisdiction; or
(2) Subparagraphs 4(5)(a) to (c) of the French version of the Regulations are replaced by the following:
- a) la prise ou le déversement d’eau de ballast est nécessaire pour garantir la sécurité du bâtiment en cas d’urgence ou pour sauver des vies humaines en mer;
- b) la prise ou le déversement d’eau de ballast est nécessaire pour prévenir ou réduire au minimum le rejet d’un polluant par le bâtiment;
- c) l’entrée ou le déversement d’eau de ballast se produit par suite d’un accident de la navigation qui a endommagé le bâtiment ou son équipement, à moins qu’il ne survienne par suite d’une action qui ne s’inscrit pas dans la pratique ordinaire des marins.
4 Paragraph 5(3)(c) of the French version of the Regulations is replaced by the following:
- c) le déversement de l’eau mélangée conformément à l’alinéa b) de manière que la salinité de l’eau de ballast résiduelle qui en résulte dans les citernes dépasse 30 parties par mille ou s’en rapproche le plus possible.
5 Subsection 6(2) of the French version of the Regulations is replaced by the following:
Zones de renouvellement
(2) Il est interdit de déverser dans les eaux de compétence canadienne de l’eau de ballast puisée par un bâtiment à l’extérieur de celles-ci, sauf si, avant l’entrée de ce bâtiment dans les eaux de compétence canadienne, un renouvellement est effectué dans une zone qui est située à une distance d’au moins 200 milles marins du rivage et où l’eau atteint une profondeur d’au moins 2 000 m.
6 (1) Subsection 7(2) of the French version of the Regulations is replaced by the following:
Zones de renouvellement
(2) Il est interdit de déverser dans les eaux de compétence canadienne de l’eau de ballast puisée par un bâtiment à l’extérieur de celles-ci, sauf si, avant l’entrée de ce bâtiment dans les eaux de compétence canadienne, un renouvellement est effectué dans une zone qui est située à une distance d’au moins 50 milles marins du rivage et où l’eau atteint une profondeur d’au moins 500 m.
(2) Paragraph 7(3)(c) of the French version of the Regulations is replaced by the following:
- c) s’agissant d’un voyage vers un port, un terminal au large ou un mouillage situés dans la baie d’Hudson, une zone du détroit d’Hudson qui est située à l’est du méridien par 70° de longitude ouest et où l’eau atteint une profondeur d’au moins 300 m;
7 Subsection 10(1) of the French version of the Regulations is replaced by the following:
Déversement de sédiments
10 (1) Il est interdit de déverser dans les eaux de compétence canadienne des sédiments qui sont issus de la décantation de l’eau de ballast et qui proviennent du nettoyage régulier des espaces utilisés pour transporter de l’eau de ballast puisée par un bâtiment à l’extérieur des eaux de compétence canadienne.
8 (1) Paragraphs 11(2)(e) and (f) of the French version of the Regulations are replaced by the following:
- e) dans le cas où la gestion de l’eau de ballast comporte un déversement, une description de la procédure à suivre pour la coordination avec les autorités canadiennes ou, dans le cas d’un bâtiment canadien dans les eaux d’un État étranger, avec les autorités étrangères;
- f) la procédure à suivre pour compléter et soumettre le Formulaire de rapport sur l’eau de ballast et celle à suivre pour respecter les exigences en matière de rapport applicables au bâtiment en vertu de la législation d’un État étranger.
(2) Paragraph 11(3)(b) of the French version of the Regulations is replaced by the following:
- b) s’agissant des bâtiments dont le renouvellement de l’eau de ballast s’effectue par flux continu, des données démontrant que la structure d’entourage de la citerne est stable dans les cas où la colonne d’eau est équivalente à la pleine distance jusqu’au haut du trop-plein;
9 (1) Paragraph 13(5)(b) of the Regulations is replaced by the following:
- (b) any possible operations that would, taking into account prevailing sea conditions, remove or render harmless harmful aquatic organisms or pathogens into the ballast water taken on board the vessel outside waters under Canadian jurisdiction, or minimize their introduction in that ballast water or their release with that ballast water into waters under Canadian jurisdiction;
(2) Paragraph 13(6)(c) of the French version of the Regulations is replaced by the following:
- c) le déversement de la totalité ou d’une partie de l’eau de ballast;
10 (1) Subsection 14(1) of the Regulations is replaced by the following:
Ballast Water Reporting Form
14 (1) If a vessel is bound for a port, offshore terminal or anchorage area in Canada, its master — or, in the case of a pleasure craft, its operator — must, in the manner set out in section 5.2 of TP 13617, submit to the Minister a completed Ballast Water Reporting Form as soon as feasible after a management process, or a measure required under subsection 13(4), is implemented.
(2) Subsection 14(2) of the French version of the Regulations is replaced by the following:
Conservation des formulaires
(2) Le capitaine, ou l’utilisateur, conserve à bord une copie de chaque formulaire pendant une période de vingt-quatre mois après sa présentation.
Coming into Force
11 These Regulations come into force on the day on which they are registered.
(This statement is not part of the Regulations.)
The Standing Joint Committee for the Scrutiny of Regulations (SJCSR) has identified a number of technical issues with the Ballast Water Control and Management Regulations and has recommended that these Regulations be amended to address these issues.
The amendments have the following objectives:
to correct discrepancies between the French and English versions; and
to correct typographical or grammatical errors.
Discrepancies between English and French versions
Paragraph 2(3)(f)
The SJCSR noted that the French and English versions of paragraph 2(3)(f) were discrepant, in that the English version referred to ships that are owned or operated by a state and used in government non-commercial service, while the French version referred to ships that are owned or operated by a state and used by that state in government non-commercial service.
Paragraph 2(3)(f) of the French version is amended to conform to the English counterpart.
Paragraphs 4(2)(a) and 13(5)(b)
The SJCSR identified a discrepancy in the French version in that two different terms were used as the equivalent of “uptake” (“introduction” and “prise”). It was decided that the words “uptake” and “prise” should be used to refer to the taking on board of ballast water itself; and “introduction” is to be used as the equivalent for “introduction” (in the French version) to refer to the taking of harmful aquatic organisms or pathogens into ballast water.
The English version of paragraphs 4(2)(a) and 13(5)(b) is amended to reflect this decision.
Subsections 6(2) and 7(2)
The SJCSR recommended that subsections 6(2) and 7(2) be amended to replace “rejeter” with “libérer” in order to bring these two provisions into conformity with subsection 10(1) and the definitional terms in section 1.
After a detailed review, it was determined that the word “déverser” was the preferred term to replace the word “rejeter” in the French versions of subsections 6(2) and 7(2).
Subsection 14(1)
There was a discrepancy among these provisions in the usage of equivalent terms in their French and English versions. The term “infeasible” is used as the equivalent of “impossible” in the French version, and the term “feasible” is used in the English version as the equivalent of “possible” in the French version. However, in subsection 14(1), the term “possible” was used in both the English and French versions. Amendments to this provision were necessary in order to attain a consistent usage in both versions of the Regulations.
The English version of subsection 14(1) is amended to ensure consistency in the language between the French and English versions.
Paragraph 11(3)(b)
In paragraph 8(3) of the Regulations, the term “renouvellement par flux continu” is used in the French version as the equivalent of “flow-through exchange” in the English version, while the word “circulation” was used in paragraph 11(3)(b) of the French version, as the equivalent of “flow-through exchange” in the English version.
Paragraph 11(3)(b) of the French version is amended to use the phrase “par flux continu.”
Subsections 14(1) and 14(2)
The term “Formulaire de rapport sur l’eau de ballast” (“Ballast Water Reporting Form” in the English version) was capitalized in the French version of paragraph 11(2)(f), but was not capitalized in subsections 14(1) or 14(2). These provisions should be amended in order to achieve consistency in the French version.
Subsections 14(1) and 14(2) of the French version are amended to use a capital letter for the term “Formulaire de rapport sur l’eau de ballast.”
Grammatical errors in the French version
Paragraph 7(3)(c)
The SJCSR noted that the word “est” was missing between the words “qui” and “située” in the French version of paragraph 7(3)(c).
Paragraph 7(3)(c) is amended to insert the word “est” before “située.”
In addition to the items identified by the SJCSR, Transport Canada amended the following parts to ensure clarity in the regulatory provisions and harmonize the English and French versions:
The French version of section 1 to repeal the definition for “liberation” and add a definition for “déversement.”
The English version of section 1 to amend the definition for “release” and update the definitions for “ballast water capacity” and “ballast water system.”
The French version of paragraphs 2(3)(e), 4(2)(a), 4(5)(a), (b), (c), 5(3)(c), 11(2)(e), 13(5)(b), 13(6)(c) and subsection 10(1) to replace the term “rejeter” with the term “déverser.”
The French version of paragraph 11(2)(e) to replace the text “dans le cas où la gestion de l’eau de ballast est effectuée par libération” with “dans le cas où la gestion de l’eau de ballast comporte un déversement.”
“One-for-One” Rule
The “One-for-One” Rule does not apply to these amendments, as there is no change in administrative costs or burden to business.
Small business lens
The small business lens does not apply to these amendments, as there are no costs to small business.
The amendments are in response to the SJCSR’s review of the Regulations. The amendments help to correct or improve the regulatory base, and do not impose any costs on the government or stakeholders.
Katie Frenette
Senior Marine Analyst
Regulatory Affairs
Marine Safety and Security
Transport Canada
Telephone: 613-949-4627
Email: Katie.Frenette@tc.gc.ca
- Footnote a
S.C. 2012, c. 31, s. 159 - Footnote b
S.C. 2001, c. 26 - Footnote 1